One Week Girlfriend - Prologue

When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew.
– William Shakespeare
Day 6

Too caught up.

Those three little words ring through my head over and over. The perfection description of how I’m feeling at this very moment. Too caught up in your sweet, heartbreaking words, in your strong, capable arms and in your warm, soft lips. I’m too caught up in this…pretend life I’m so completely submersed in.

And you know what? I like it. I love it. Even though I know deep down inside, it’s fake. That
the way you talk to me, look at me, touch me. Kiss me…is all for show. I’m some sort of protection for you but I don’t care. I want it.
I want you.

What I don’t get is why we’re here. Right now. I’m in your bed and we’re half naked, our arms and legs tangled around each other, the sheet slipping off our bodies because our skin is so hot, it feels like we’re burning alive. You keep kissing me and whispering in my ear how much you want me and oh, my God, I want you too, but that nagging little voice inside my head tells me we only have one more day together and then we go back to the real world.

Where you ignore me. And I ignore you. You’ll get what you want—shocking the hell out of
your parents and everyone else at home so they won’t bug you ever again. And I’ll get what I want, the money you promised me for ‘putting up with your shit for seven days’—direct quote—so I can take care of my little brother for at least a little while longer. We’ll settle back in to our usual roles.
Where you hate me and I hate you.

It’ll be a lie. I might’ve hated you before all of this, but now…

I think I’m falling in love with you.

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